Welcome to

Boscombe Life Church

Our church office & premises at 248 Joo Chiat Road are currently closed for renovations until the end of June 2024. During this period, we will not be able to receive any onsite deliveries. For enquiries or to arrange for delivery, please email the office administrator at administrator@boscombelife.org.sg or call 80406527. We will still be able to receive mail as per normal.

我们位于如切路 248 号的教会办公室及场所目前因整修而关闭,直至 2024 年 6 月底。在此期间,我们将无法接收任何现场服务。如需查询或安排投送,请发送电子邮件至 administrator@boscombelife.org.sg 或致电  80406527 联系办公室管理员。我们仍然可以正常接收邮件。


A Life Shared
in response to
A Life Redeemed

Jesus said, “I have come to give life and life in all its fullness” – John 10:10

Jesus wants you to have the best life you can imagine.

It is our experience that people who seek Jesus discover that He has been looking for them and wants to offer them life in all its fullness. We pray that this will be true for you too as you connect with us at Boscombe Life Church. Here, we live to know God and to make Him known, not just in the sharing of His Word, but in the sharing of our lives.

Come, join us and experience a community that seeks the Truth, discover love and live life to the full! 

Lent Devotional

Lent 2024 Devotion
"Our Exodus in The Exodus"

As we traverse the Lenten season, may the Exodus narrative serve as a poignant reminder of our own exodus journey. Let us heed the warnings, draw inspiration from the examples, and find encouragement in the promises of God.

Click here to access the devotion.

Exodus 20:2 
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

1 Corinthians 10:11-12
Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.

Get connected to our church family.

We believe that the church community is an integral part of a Christian’s journey and growth.
Find out more about how you can get plugged in!

Church This Week

Currently available through Live-stream. Click on the links to watch online.

(Level 2 Sanctuary)

博恩⽣命堂 @ 9:30AM
(Level 1 Sanctuary)

(Every 1st & 4th Sunday of the month)

(Level 3 & 4)

From 3 March to end June, we will be worshipping at
Block 26, Sin Ming Lane #06-113, Midview City,
S(573971) at the following times:

  • On-site English Sunday Service at 3:30pm
  • On-site Chinese Sunday Service at 3:00pm
  • Victory Kids at 3:30pm
  • Pre-service English prayer meeting at 3:00pm
  • Pre-service Chinese prayer meeting at 2:30pm
  • English Bible Class from 2:15-3:00pm
  • Chinese Bible Class from 4:30-5:30pm


  • 现场英语敬拜:下午3.30开始
  • 现场华语敬拜:下午3.00开始
  • 儿童敬拜:下午3:30开始
  • 英语敬拜前祷告会:下午3.00开始
  • 华语敬拜前祷告会:下午2.30开始
  • 英语查经班:下午2.15 – 3.00
  • 华语查经班:下午4.30 – 5.30

Sermon Topics

Read and Reflect Now!

Sign up for these upcoming activities to avoid disappointment!

BLC Weekly Devotions

Jesus said that Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God. He also taught His followers that the mark of loving Him is to guard His word. Besides, other scriptures tell us that God’s word can sanctify us to live holy lives, strengthen us against the wiles of the evil one, and help us grow in grace, etc. In light of these truths, we offer our devotional articles, both as an introduction and a follow-up to our Sunday sermons, for your daily transformation.

Read the English and Chinese versions here.

Lent Reflections
Through the Years

We observe Lent (40 days before Good Friday) to spiritually prepare ourselves for new lessons and directions from Jesus Our Savior’s wonderful saving work on the cross. These devotionals, written by and for God’s people, represent our thoughts on the salvation story. Join us on our community-wide learning journey.

Read 2021, 2023, 2024 here.