From Community
to Family
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” - Hebrews 10:24-25
Church isn’t a Building; nor does it function only on Saturday/Sunday mornings.
We believe every person needs to connect with others in a personal, life-transforming, and spiritually meaningful way. Our Lifelink groups are the nucleus of the church and we live out Worship, Instruction, Fellowship and Evangelism through our community life. If you are new to church or are looking for a community of believers to connect with, we welcome you to link lives with us!
"At Lifelinks, I get an opportunity to gain new perspectives on God’s Word and ask personal questions as everyone studies and shares in the discussions. During our meetings, we experience real community by sharing and supporting each other in our life journey. Lifelink is a good place to grow in God’s Word as well as to grow closer to my fellow-believers."
EQ 18, student"Being in Lifelinks has helped me to know more members at a personal level. We also foster closer ties through supporting each other through mutual prayer, encouragement, sharing challenging and happy times together. These are done by studying His word and seeking the Lord together. To me, Lifelinks means linking hearts and hands together."
EY Office administrator"Lifelinks is like a family to me. It shares my happiness and burdens. It helps me grow in the knowledge of God through thought provoking discussion on the Word and inspires me to be more Christ-like through many truthful sharing. I know I am never alone in my journey of faith."
FC Mother of 3“作为门训查经班的负责⼈,因着⾃⼰需要不断的充实和预备,⾃然的在其中被受造就,也得到提升。由于参加者的信仰真理根基不齐,所以查经班注重于参与讨论并分享如何在⽣活或祷告中活⽤真理。感谢栽种我们的天⽗。”
SK IT EngineerWe’ve answered some commonly asked questions about Lifelinks below
Lifelink groups typically meet once a fortnight (~3hours) for a time of worship, fellowship, studying the Word together and praying for one another. But what really makes Lifelink groups tick is not just the programme – it’s the PEOPLE! So whether its a meeting, a meal or simply a phone call during the week, expect great things to happen as you link lives with others in the group!
No worries! All activities are entirely optional and conducted without coercion or duress; all Lifelink activities are entirely complimentary unless explicitly stated. Every Lifelink group is also headed by a Lifelink leader who will be in attendance and who would have been in touch with you before the meeting(s). Do feel free to approach him/her for any queries or if you feel uncomfortable at any point in time and they will do their utmost to assist you. You can also contact our church office or either of our Pastors for further enquiry or clarifications.
Absolutely! We have Lifelink groups that mainly comprise young families, and that provide a loving support network for visitors with children. During Lifelink meetings, activities will be arranged to keep the kids occupied. Do inform us in advance if you intend to bring your kids (and if they have any special requirements, dietary or otherwise) so we can accommodate them within our meetings.
We strictly align all Lifelink activities with up-to-date Governmental regulations in Singapore. We understand that we live in unprecedented times and that regulations are constantly evolving; we seek your patience and understanding as we adapt to the changing circumstances! At the time of writing, we have carried out both physical meetings (small groups < 5 people) as well as digital meetings.
"Lifelinks has greatly helped me in learning God's word as I have to read and prepare for each meeting. The active discussions have grown my understanding of many difficult questions. I am also grateful that we are encouraged to share God's blessings in our lives, as well as our burdens and seek prayer support for each other."
JO Busy grandma of 5